Friday, August 22, 2008

August 22

It is Friday evening. I am in Atlanta at my company's terminal. The company has ordered me to proceed to Port St. Joe, Florida, tomorrow to drop an empty trailer and then to pick up a loaded trailer Sunday morning. Sometimes I think my company is run by madmen. Tropical storm Fay should arrive at Port St. Joe about the time that I arrive. I have visions in my mind of having to lash myself to a tree to keep from getting blown away, and then having to outswim a hungry alligator in deep flood waters.

It is a good time to remember that I hold this job only at God's good pleasure. If the Master wants me to be fired or to wreck the truck, then He can accomplish that at any time. I will exercise what prudence I can muster and after that God is in charge.

To my company, which goes through drivers like most people change socks, I am a disposable asset. It is good to remember that God does not look at His children that way.

My company misplaces assets from time to time. We get messages asking: "Has anyone seen trailer number such-and-such?". My God does not misplace things. He knows every hair on my head. He knows every sparrow that falls to the ground. The scripture tells me so and I see evidence in creation (while driving the truck) of a God whose intelligence and creativity are incomprehensible.

It is good to remember these things. We serve a risen saviour.

Meanwhile, my wife and youngest daughter are at home sewing doll clothes.

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