Thursday, July 17, 2008

July 14

July 14 (posted from Dallas on July 17)

I have been out and about since July 8. I do not have wi-fi access this evening, so I am typing and saving to post later.

July 4 through 7 were spent at home celebrating the 4th of July and my brother-in-law's birthday.

Church was disappointing. We went to Lutheran Sunday School. The pastor was rushed. I would have loved to ask him some questions about the Lutheran view of saving faith. (Indeed, I think it is time to discuss this subject on the theology blog). Then we went to service at a local baptist church. The sermon was a horrific blend of Christian popular psychology and misapplied scripture. Sunday evening there was no service, it being 4th of July weekend. Most churches no longer have Sunday evening services, but our local Assembly of God church usually does have them, except on 4th of July weekend when a softball game was substituted.

July 8 it was a local delivery followed by grabbing a loaded tank and heading for Milwaukee (Waukesha). The evening of July 8 was noteworthy because I found a parking space, a good parking space, when I should not have found one, at 11:00 pm while tired. For those not familiar with trucking, it is particularly difficult to find parking in the overcrowded truck stops and rest areas after 6:00 p.m. and nearly impossible between 8:00 p.m. and 3:00 a.m. I have written this before, but God's abundant grace and mercy is ever manifest. Here is a favorite verse:

It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.
They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.
The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore I will hope in him. Lamentations 3:22-24

July 9 I made it deep into Illinois, to a truckstop at Minonk. Again, God was gracious. Again, it was late. The truckstop directory I carry mentioned only a medium sized lot at this small truckstop. I was delighted to find a huge dirt lot adjacent open to big trucks. I slept and in the morning I met Dennis.

Dennis pulled up next to me in the morning and walked over after I waived, ostensibly to ask about the name of the town for his log book. We talked. I made mention of God, and we proceeded to talk about God and His goodness toward us. Dennis looked hardbitten, but knew the scriptures and related that his 94 year old father had been a Baptist pastor. I directed the conversation towards the subject of "what is saving faith". This is an interesting subject because our Lord Himself related that:

Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful
works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Matthew 7.

Brothers and sisters, I don't know about you, but those are the very last words I want to hear from the Master. Better to hear:

Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.

Dennis and I prayed together and he departed.

Then it was on to Waukesha where I unloaded, and on to the tankwash in Neenah, Wisconsin, to pick up a clean tank. At Neenah, I met Richard.

Richard was another driver for my company. I saw Richard at the tankwash. There were other company drivers there, but Richard stood out in that he was helping another driver from another company with directions. This is unusual, as most truck drivers these days are too busy to help others.

I headed off to Wausau for my next load. I was surprised to see Richard there again the following morning. We spoke and he gave me helpful information on a road closure that he had learned from the truck stop attendant. Richard and I were bound for the same customer.

Once at the customer, Richard and I had time to chat while our tank trailers were being loaded with smelly, sticky processed black tree sap. I asked Richard why he was different, and he did not hesitate to tell me: "Because of Jesus Christ". Richard is a young believer out driving in the truck.

It was good to meet another Christian driver from the same company. Once again, I do not believe in coincidence. I believe in providence. God rules and overrules in the affairs of men.

Tonight, I am in Kansas City at the tank wash, but the wi-fi is down. I do not load until tomorrow morning and then I go to Tulsa.

We shall see what else God has in store. I must tend to some house keeping here in the truck, and if I have time to type tomorrow I would really like to spend time writing of the subject of saving faith.

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