Monday, March 10, 2008

Monday, March 10

It is Monday evening, March 10. I am at home yet for a few more hours.

To bring things up to date, the remaining parts did arrive in Eloy. I did have a chance to meet again with chaplain Don and I do think he accepted what I had to say. Chaplain Don is up in years. Pray for him. There is little interest now that I can see in these truck stop chapels.

I did not have the opportunity to visit with my friend in Phoenix. I was running too tight once I left Eloy. Another time perhaps. The Lord is quite able to dispatch me west again as it suits His purpose.

In Los Angeles I was favored once again with great grace. Time would fail me to write of all the Lord's kindnesses to me. I sailed into Los Angeles (no small feat), found parking at our central Los Angeles yard, and then made it to the customer, a refinery, on time the following morning. Then it was to time to fly back to Houston with an empty trailer (they had no freight and were already going to be a day late in getting me home). I arrived at our Houston terminal Saturday evening weary but happy. (When time permits, instead of grace, I would like to write about the flesh, about the fruits of the spirit [or lack thereof, in my case], and the events which happened on Friday while I was enroute back to Houston - suffice it to say the flesh is an ever present enemy for the Christian - it is always ready to bubble to the surface - God help us! I would also like to write about church. That is a whole different story. And I would like to write about Jacob, the tank wash employee.)

Home Sunday. Home today (Monday). Out again tomorrow. This time it will be towards Kankakee, Illinois, near Chicago. Now there is laundry to fold, some eggs to boil and it is off to bed. There is a 30 minute drive to the terminal tomorrow morning and truck driving is rather unforgiving if you do not get your sleep.

Above all, I pray that God will have some divine appointments for me. I do not want God to ever take me off of His "go to" list.

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